Gitflow vs Gitlab Flow

What is Gitflow?


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In Gitflow, you mainly deal with two branches: develop and master.

  • Developers work off the develop branch. Feature branches are created from develop and merged back when done.

  • When a release is ready, develop gets promoted to master and tagged. Think of master as production-ready or what is in production.

To fix a production bug, a developer will have to create a branch from master and then merge the fix into both master (for another release) and develop. There is a possibility of conflicts when merging into develop.

What is Gitlab flow?

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Gitlab flow is simpler. It only calls for one main branch: master.

  • Developers work off the master branch. Feature branches are created from develop and merged back when done.
  • When a release is ready, a release branch is created from master, tagged and released.

To fix a production bug, a developer will have to create a branch from master and then merge the fix back into master as he normally would do with any feature or bug. To release, the revision is cherry-picked into the release branch. A new tag is created and released. There is a possibility of merge conflicts during the cherry-pick.

What do we use?

Here at Vectorwyse, we have adopted Gitlab flow simply because it is simpler. Developers work as they normally would on master. A release engineer can be assigned to handle branching and merging for releases without having to understand much about the code. And the possibility of merge conflicts during a cherry-pick is low.

The steps for a release are basically as follows:

  1. Create a release branch called v1.0 branch from master
  2. Tag release branch as v1.0.1
  3. Release tag v1.0.1

To fix a bug:

  1. Developer merges fix into master, note the revision number.
  2. Release engineer cherry-picks revision into v1.0 branch
  3. Tags it as v1.0.2
  4. Release tag v1.0.2